Hope for the normalisation of Makhanda’s water supply has again dissolved after another leak was discovered on the outlet valve from Botha’s Hill reservoirs into the transfer line and off-takes, scuppering the planned water-on day on Saturday, 12 November.
The leak was announced during a 2.5-hour water crisis meeting in City Hall on Friday, 11 November, attended by Makana Speaker Mthuthezeli Matyumza, infrastructure director Asanda Gidana, water manager Gubevu Maduna, ward councillors and ward committee members, and members of the public.
To compound the crisis, Ward 4 councillor Geoff Embling reported on Saturday that the recently ‘fixed’ leak near Howieson’s Poort Dam had broken again. In addition, the air valve on the line “is leaking much worse now,” Embling said.
The leak on the airlock at Howieson’s Poort Dam. Photo: Geoff Embling, Ward 4 Service Delivery WhatsApp group
This means the city’s water supply has been compromised on both the western and eastern sides.
The water was due to open on Saturday, 12 November. The municipal water team is assessing the extent of the damage on the outlet valve from Botha’s Hill reservoirs. “Due to high pressure, it is taking longer than anticipated,” a Makana Municipality communique said.
“The water supply will not be possible before fixing this major leak. The team will continuously observe the situation and attend to the leak as soon as the water subsides,” the message said.
Grocott’s Mail will soon provide a full report on Friday’s meeting and provides updates as soon as they are available.
Ward councillors, ward committee members and community members at the water crisis meeting at City Hall on Friday. Photo: Rod Amner
Makana water manager Gubevu Maduna explains technical points related to the ongoing water crisis at the emergency meeting at City Hall on Friday. Photo: Rod Amner
Ward committee member Lena May makes a point at the water crisis meeting at City Hall on Friday. Photo: Rod Amner
Retired engineer Peter Sturrock looks for answers at the water crisis meeting held in City Hall on Friday. Photo: Rod Amner
Scenes from the 2.5-hour water crisis meeting at City Hall on Friday, 11 November.