Treatment Action Campaign, Author at Vuka News News & views for a peoples democracy in Mzansi Thu, 05 Dec 2024 12:46:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Treatment Action Campaign, Author at Vuka News 32 32 “It was such a relief to not have to go to the clinic every month” Mon, 02 Dec 2024 13:45:59 +0000 Lebo, who uses ARV pills and assists others shares treatment progress and calls for 6 month supplies of ARVs.

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▶ The post “It was such a relief to not have to go to the clinic every month” appeared first on TAC.

Millions across Africa are already getting a 6 month supply, so why not here in South Africa where we have the biggest HIV burden in the world? Below we hear from Lebohang Mokhele, TAC’s National Representative of People Living with HIV who lives in Gauteng. Lebo explains how South Africa has managed in the past to very quickly roll out changes to the HIV programme to make it easier for people living with HIV to stay on treatment. Yet it’s now December 2024 and while more people are getting a 3 month supply in Gauteng, there is no public implementation plan in place for getting people a 6 month supply. She calls on the department to prioritise giving all stable people living with HIV a 6 month supply now!

In the 10 years that Lebo has been on ART she says there have been a few key improvements in helping people stay on treatment. She says the time is right to make a 6 month supply of ARVs the next step forward.

Lebo who uses the Boitumelo Clinic in Sebokeng says for her the tilt points in the decade came with the introduction of fixed- dose treatment; then there was CCMDD – the introduction of external pick-up points freed people from having to do ARV pick-ups inside clinics, then dolutegravir, a better ARV medicine with few side effects. But, she says, a most important introduction came with multi-month supply of ARVs – 2 months supply and then recently 3 month supplies at a time.

Lebo is on a 3 month supply currently and collects from a pharmacy in a mall in Alberton.

“When multi-month started for me just after Covid-19, it was such a relief to not have to go to the clinic every month. Our clinic is so small we even call it “The Mkhukhu Clinic” (the shack clinic). The infrastructure is bad, and it’s overcrowded. People have to wait outside, rain or shine, because only four people can be inside the clinic at any time. We have more people coming from the new informal settlements around the area so there are too many people,” says Lebo.

Now she says it’s time for 3 month supply to be boosted to 6 month supply. As a TAC leader, she does advocacy and outreach at clinics, and she says unanimous feedback is that a 6 month supply should be given to people who are stable.

“I think that there are so many people who are tired of being in those clinic queues, waiting for so long and having to face the bad infrastructure and sometimes the bad attitudes of nurses. It will make sure they stick to their treatments if they get a 6 month supply of ART. I really don’t see that there will be problems,” she says. 

Lebo adds that along with 6 month supply there should also be additional pick-up points outside of malls. These include at community based organisations that are based closer to where people actually live in townships. These are more ways to make sure it’s easier for people to stay on treatment and to take charge of their health, Lebo says. 

* Name changed to protect identity


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TAC year end message Mon, 02 Jan 2023 22:53:50 +0000 Read More   2023: THE YEAR OF (RE-)DEDICATION,  COMMITMENT AND HARD WORK Comrades, 2022 has been a long year of recovering from the ground lost as a result of the global COVID-19 disruptions. Our resilience in advocacy and campaigning made us bring some changes and improvements to the lives of millions of public healthcare users, PLHIV, …

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Comrades, 2022 has been a long year of recovering from the ground lost as a result of the global COVID-19 disruptions. Our resilience in advocacy and campaigning made us bring some changes and improvements to the lives of millions of public healthcare users, PLHIV, Key and Vulnerable Populations, as we can safely and proudly point to these.

In 2022, TAC was able to hold its 7th National Congress, where a new leadership emerged from all levels of the structures of our organisation with a fresh mandate. This followed the 212 Branch AGMs and 8 provincial congresses.

Through our hard work over the past few years, we have been able to open doors and get a seat around the decision making tables with policy makers and duty bearers. These are some of our stories of success that didn’t come easily, but through our concerted efforts we were able to make it happen.

As we wrap up the year 2022 and prepare for 2023, let us all fasten our seatbelts and get ready to start a new year. 2023 is not going to be an easy year. It will require more hard work, dedication and commitment from all of us. 2023 will require all of us to move out of our comfort zones, roll up our sleeves and do things differently for the advancement of the cause of the people and what our movement stands for. We cannot retreat but we are required to soldier on.

2023 will require all of us to work together as TAC, Ritshidze and the PLHIV Sector because without each other we might not achieve what we want. We must all roll up our sleeves, get on the ground, get dirty and work with communities more, especially those who are denied access to quality services.

As we continue with our work of saving lives, we must not turn a blind eye to the challenges people living in South Africa and the world in general are still confronted with. It is our noble duty to stand up, speak out and fight back against gender-based violence on children and womxn, against xenophobia, corruption, injustice, and abuse of state resources and machinery, the world and majority of the downtrodden masses are subjected to on daily basis by those in positions of power.

2023 will require all of us to spend most of our time and energy in ensuring that we double our efforts at local and district level by strengthening the District Campaign Teams (DCTs). From 2023, we must invest our time, resources and energy in ensuring that we attend and address issues affecting our communities from healthcare facility and district level, because this is where service delivery takes place. If we can champion and master community issues at these levels, we will make a significant impact on improving the quality of healthcare services and delivery of all other basic services.

There is nothing about us without us.

As human rights activists, we are required to integrate our struggles with the daily struggles of our communities for social justice, equality, quality service delivery, against GBVF, abuse against children, xenophobia, corruption, defence of our constitution and protection of human rights. As Audre Lorde once said, “there is no such a thing as a single issue struggle because we don’t live single issue lives”.

As we are marching ahead, we must always remember that victory is certain and our victory is the victory of the people. We must position ourselves to unite with real friends, allies  and partners in order for us to identify the real enemies of the people and the cause we stand for. We are required to play a meaningful and leading role in changing the political landscape of our country and the world. “What matters today, the issue which blocks the horizon, is the redistribution of wealth. As Frantz Fanon said, “humanity will have to address this question, no matter how devastating the consequences may be.”

In 2023, TAC will continue to lead the struggles and campaigns to fix the broken public healthcare system, monitor the implementation of HIV, TB and COVID-19 response, Fix the Patent Laws, monitoring the availability of medicines and medical supplies, Building Activism and Advocacy at all levels. This is a historic mission we are not prepared to betray as a movement.

We wish you and your families a Happy New Year, filled with energised Activism, Advocacy and Revolutionary character.

Issued on behalf of TAC National Council by the General Secretary – Anele Yawa.



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On this World AIDS Day do the right thing, save TAC, save lives – Treatment Action Campaign Wed, 30 Nov 2022 05:30:00 +0000 The TAC has had many highs and lows that coincide with the country’s quest to fulfil the Constitutional promise of quality healthcare for all. Even as the movement continues to challenge the shortfalls in healthcare, a budget deficit means its own survival is in jeopardy. It may be argued that the TAC is a victim of its own success, having cemented its place in history to the early 2000s and the campaign to get ARV treatment to all people living with HIV, when the truth is much rather that our work has continued and continues at incredible levels.

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Saving TAC is vital for the next phase of the struggle to fix the public healthcare system, argues Anele Yawa

I joined the Treatment Action Campaign two decades ago in 2002. The organisation was four years old at the time. Back then there were no branches in Uitenhage. Perhaps as a result, it may be more accurate to say that I was one of the co-founders in the area. I joined the organisation because the HIV pandemic was ravaging my community. KwaNobuhle, in this sense, was no different from many other communities across the country. According to official statistics, more than 800,000 people died in South Africa from 1997 until 2002 from AIDS related illnesses, and 13% of these AIDS deaths happened in communities in the Eastern Cape province. 

Since then the TAC has had many highs and lows that coincide with the country’s quest to fulfil the Constitutional promise of quality healthcare for all. Like other social and political movements that have shaped post-Apartheid South Africa, it may be argued that the TAC is a victim of its own success. In galvanising a groundswell of support across the world in one of our key campaigns, we have suffered from the ignominy of having our place in history cemented in a time and place, when the truth is much rather that our work has continued and continues at incredible levels. 

In our context, people rightfully acknowledge the role of the organisation as well as that of our vital partners in fighting against AIDS denialism as well as for access to ARVs. Today South Africa has the largest treatment programme in the world with 5,5 million people currently on ARV treatment across the country. Countless lives have been prolonged, and research has shown us that people living with HIV live long healthy lives, with a similar life expectancy as HIV negative people provided they are diagnosed early and have consistent access to HIV treatment. This is in distinction to the Mbeki years, where Havard University estimated that over 330,000 lives were lost to AIDS-related illnesses. 

While our fight, which culminated in crucial Constitutional Court victories largely extinguished the fire of denialism, it still simmers today. Just in September this year, Thabo Mbeki, the country’s second democratically elected President and Denialist-in-Chief reiterated his denialist views in a lecture at UNISA. This has rightly been criticised by many actors, including the South African Medical Research Council, us as the Treatment Action Campaign, SECTION27 and the Progressive Health Forum (PHF). 

Similarly, while less visible than the days of Matthius Rath and others, quacks still exist today, with misinformation and disinformation as their weapons of choice. They claim they can cure HIV, COVID-19, Cancer and other illnesses, among other things. While peripheral, this is why the battle to align complementary medicines between the Minister of Health, SAHPRA and the Alliance of Natural Health Products in South Africa is so important and why we keep actively following it. 

The TAC today

Since I became General Secretary of TAC in 2014 we have continued to experience these highs and lows. For instance, TAC is currently going through a period of financial difficulty. We currently have a deficit of R3 million for the 2022/23 financial year, which amounts to 10 percent of our budget. 

This is happening despite us having distinguished ourselves as the eyes and ears of public healthcare users and holding duty bearers to account on multiple health issues. Sadly, we are not alone in facing these constraints in civil society. Other organisations that also do crucial work are going through similar circumstances. One which fights for broader human rights and against important violations based on nationality and belonging is suffering the same fate. Their work highlighting statelessness and the rights of asylum seekers and refugees is world leading. Another working on issues of access to basic education has also suffered from funding constraints. Their work on access to quality infrastructure and healthy and adequate food for learners is stellar. This is as a result of an exodus of traditional funders from the country. We are under no illusions that this will continue and a new way of raising funds and ensuring sustainable organisations is necessary for the future because without the work of organisations such as ours there will be a major setback to our democracy and to our fight for fundamental human rights. 

Admittedly this is not the first time we have asked the public to #saveTAC. Through public efforts in 2014, including the interventions of key people such as Graca Machel and Desmond Tutu, TAC was saved. We were adamant then, as we are now, that AIDS is not over and TAC still had (and has) a pivotal role to play in our four key campaigns. These are monitoring the HIV and TB response; on health systems strengthening; on the fight for access to quality and affordable medicines and building local, national and international activism. 

Given space constraints, I will only focus on one current campaign per work area.

Health systems strengthening

TAC has repaid the faith and the mandate handed to it by individual and organisational donors since the #SaveTAC campaign. Ritshidze, a TAC administered project, for instance, systematically and continuously monitors over 400 health care facilities across 8 of the country’s 9 provinces. These sites, which account for almost half of all people living with HIV on treatment, are almost exclusively PEPFAR supported sites. It is the largest community-led monitoring project in the world. Affected communities of people living with HIV, TB survivors and Key Populations, among others own it and importantly advocate for change regularly and directly to duty bearers. Since its launch in 2019, there have been marked improvements on multiple indicators, including but not limited to patient waiting times, facility staff numbers and staff attitudes. While these cannot be solely attributable to the work of Ritshidze and TAC, we are certain that we have played a significant role in doing so. 

Over the past two years Key Populations, that is people who use drugs (PWUDs); sex workers; gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (GBMSM) and trans people have monitored key population services in clinics, drop-in centres and communities. Over 8,000 KPs have been engaged using a snowball effect. Importantly, most of our monitoring is occuring in massively underserved areas in order to improve access to healthcare for all. 

Significant plans have been underway to radically increase the number of sites monitored to well over 600 facilities by early next year. This ambitious project to protect the gains of the past 24 years cannot be possible without significant resources, both human and financial. 

A partially resourced TAC would not be able to achieve this. 

HIV and TB response

TAC’s financial woes occur at a time when the HIV/AIDS response needs to be increased. In fact, UNAIDS recently re-evaluated the country’s targets, lowering the targets of those initiated and still on treatment to 5,7 million. As is, the country is nowhere near the 95-95-95 targets. It has been argued, quite rightly, that this is largely because COVID-19 and the scale of the response inimically affected the response to the other four major pandemics, namely HIV, TB and Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF). Financial and human resources were redirected in the case of HIV and TB, as a result, TB testing and diagnosis declined by 50% and 33% respectively. According to former DDG Yogan Pillay et al, HIV testing decreased by 22,3%. We continue to see significant patients being lost to care because of bad staff attitudes, stockouts and shortages of medicines and other systemic issues and not enough being welcomed back to care. 

TAC is needed more than ever in this fight! 

It is because of this that we decided to take part in the World AIDS Day commemorations this year. While I have individually criticised past events as a ‘jamboree’, echoing our co-founder Mark Heywood’s sentiments in 2016, where politicians kiss babies and shake hands and others try and get closer to power, this World AIDS Day needs all actors to come together. TAC and other members of the National PLHIV Sector have been on the ground in the Free State. Our message is a simple one: to make everyday World AIDS Day. Through our partnership with the Free State Department of Health and the provincial AIDS Council, we have placed emphasis on bringing healthcare services to the people. Mobile clinics with services ranging from HIV testing, TB screening and testing, pap smears and access to sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) and treatment literacy have been made available to marginalised communities. Through our build up activities and other engagements, we will advocate for lasting and quality services in these communities. 

Building local, national and international activism

TAC prides itself on being rooted in the community. We currently have over 6,000 members in 8 of the country’s 9 provinces. Almost all our members are poor, black and infected and/or affected by HIV. We unashamedly want to build a social movement that is reflective of our society and hope to ensure that many, many more people join the organisation and are part of a groundswell of comrades advocating for change. 

This can not happen without a strong TAC. The next phase is to FIX THE BROKEN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. But TAC must be fully resourced to effect real change.  Help us save TAC and continue advocating for access to quality healthcare services by donating here!

Anele Yawa is the current General Secretary of the Treatment Action Campaign. He has previously served as a PR Councillor in Nelson Mandela Metro in the Eastern Cape. 

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