Bishop William Mchombo of the Anglican Diocese of Eastern Zambia and member of our Zambia Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) group planted trees and made an inspiring speech as he laid the foundation commencing the construction of the school library at St Luke’s Secondary School in Zambia on Tuesday 4 October 2022.
The “Green Bishop of Zambia ” as he is fondly referred to by the FLEAT Zambia group talked about the history of the school, the significance of the event, and importance of environmental clubs being returned in schools.
The Bishop plans to plant 500 seedlings during Green Action Week (3-9 October 2022), the global campaign to promote sustainable consumption. Earlier in the week, seedlings where distribution and planted at Bernard Mizeki, Kasamanda Parish in the Diocese of Eastern Zambia, led by Bishop William Mchombo.
“Guest of Honour, allow me to thank government for the introduction of a Ministry specifically tasked to deal with issues of Climate Justice in the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment. However, matters of the environment are a cross cutting issue. Every Ministry is affected in one way or the other. We would like to appeal to the Ministry of Education to ensure that a curriculum on environment is introduced at an early age of a learners’ life (if it has not been done so already). We would like to encourage our schools as well as other schools to introduce orchards and woodlots as a form of conservation. We used to have chongololo clubs in schools that enlightened the learner about environmental matters. Let these clubs on environment be encouraged in schools. We are losing indigenous lupanya trees here in Msoro. Msoro has adversely changed environmentally in the last 20 years. It looks barer than before. There is need for planned and controlled settlement of our people in order to avoid encroachment on water sources such as wetlands.
Let us all take care of the environment and the environment will take care of us and sustain the ecosystem.” – Bishop William Mchombo
Find Bishop Mchombo’s speech here.
Bishop William Mchombo planting seedlings for planting at St Luke’s Secondary School on 4 October 2022.
Bishop William Mchombo distributing seedlings for planting at St Luke’s Secondary School on 4 October 2022.
Trees were also planted at Bernard Mizeki, Kasamanda Parish in the Diocese of Eastern Zambia, led by Bishop William Mchombo.