Read Up. Rise Up

The Voters endorsed Save Madibeng to represent them in the council of Madibeng Local Municipality

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Save Madibeng has been given three (3) important seats to represent the people of Madibeng in the Local Municipality Council.

This is a historic move that a civic movement gets ‘thumbs up’ from the people of Madibeng to represent them instead of a political party.

Save Madibeng’s convener Sydney Monnakgotla said, “Just like Che Guevara said – the people are their onw liberators – the people of Madibeng are finally their own liberators and have given us a task to begin the work to fix Madibeng areas and make Madibeng a great place to live, to work, to innovate, to grow and develop local economy and to play and have fun within our areas.”

“We have been the voices of our communities outside the Municipality but with these three seats – we will rise against any form of poor service delivery across all areas,” expressed Monnakgotla

Monnakgotla further said, “Other than all those that voted for Save Madibeng, as a convener I would like to thank the executive team of Save Madibeng – our coordinator and his deputy who had pulled out all the stops to ensure that we have an effective organization, the deputy convener, the treasurer, the spokesperson, the mayoral candidate, the cluster coordinators, all the wards candidates, the ward teams including their coordinators, the supporters and most important the voters.”

Save Madibeng as a civil rights movement will continue to ensure that community interests and needs are defended.




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