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What is Climate Change?

By Mike Makore

Climate Change is a complete shift/change of weather conditions experienced after a long period of time. The variables in which climate change can be witnessed are rainfall, it’s capacity, patterns and reliability, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind etc. Climate change is mainly caused by human activities especially when they are not controlled and may result in floods, cyclones, heat waves etc.

Causes of climate change

1. It is mainly caused by excessive emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, water vapor etc. into the atmosphere. These gases disturb the ozone layer leading to abnormal temperature risings.

2. Climate change is a result of continued deforestation which lessens oxygen concentration in the atmosphere of which oxygen is essential in maintaining a good state of the ozone layer that is made up of a special and more concentrated type of oxygen gas (O3).

3. Industrialization is also a contributory factor as far as climate change is concerned. The expansion of industry means that more gases than the atmosphere can contain and control are released in a short space of time.

4. Unstandardized and uncontrolled mining activities also account for climate change. Use of climate unfriendly chemicals like cyanide, mercury and sculpture are the real cause of acid rain.

5. Poor farming systems and use of agrochemicals that are environmentally hazardous also have to take a share of the blame for causing climate change.

6. Open fires also should not be left out whenever perpetration of climate change is in question.

 *Effects* *of* *climate* *change*

Reduced agricultural productivity.

Rising unemployment rates.

Natural hazards; floods, cyclones, acid rain etc.

Positive – Creation of new opportunities.

Increased diversity and intensification of projects (climate change cure projects).

Africa is predominantly dependent on rain-fed agriculture and is thus affected significantly by climate change. While the responsibility to change behaviors causing climate change lies with everyone, capacity is different and as such, the more developed global north should do more especially in financing the Just Transition initiatives. To all, we say, ‘The Climate is changing, why aren’t we?’
