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NAMIBIA | Rural Women Demonstrate against Gender-Based Violence – Rural Women’s Assembly


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Women farmers and indigenous peoples live with nature, taking care of the land, water resources, oceans, and forests. It is women who hold the seeds, the knowledge of farming, and the heritage of communities, ensuring that there is food, safe water, and energy.

It is women who nurse the young and sick. But women are often seen as inferior, as the helpers of men, as a source of cheap
and unpaid labour, and as objects for sexual exploitation. This is the source of women’s oppression in a system of power that benefits men and an economic system oriented to profit.

Nature is reduced to a commodity to be bought, sold and exploited for the benefit of the few. We say that this system is violent against us as women! We, as the Rural Women’s Assembly are hereby stating and discouraging Gender Based Violence in its totality!

The Elderly are hacked by our own sons and daughters, young girls and women are being raped and killed every day. Innocent children are dumped all over and baby dumping is not the solution for unwanted pregnancies. Young and old men are hanging themselves country wide and this kind of action can no longer be tolerated. As caring mothers, we are reject this practice and call on it to come to an end with immediate effect.

We are demonstrating for a Gender Based Violence free nation!

We have the right to control our bodies, choosing when or if we want to have sex and who to have it with. We have the right to live free of violence, perpetrated by governments, corporations and by men in our homes, on our streets, villages, schools, churches and in our places of work.

Our lives and rights are not respected.

We no longer feel safe, our children are at risk of being victims of kidnapping and rape on a daily basis. We, as mothers of this nation, want to work together with our Governors as the Head of the Regions to fight all sorts of Gender Based Violence in all Regions in Namibia and we want and do appeal to the law to do or to give severe punishment to all those who are going to
continue committing this criminal activities among us.

Now we are facing the festive season. We do not want to hear any unlawful activities during this time of celebration. We want a festival season filled with love, peace and harmony, free from Gender Based Violence.

Please give us hope for the future, let love lead, enough is enough, we want freedom!

As the end of the year is approaching, we wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a prosperous
new year ahead.


STOP GENDER BASED VIOLENCE in all parts of our Land of the Brave NAMIBIA!


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